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Sign the Pledge against LGBTQA+ Domestic Violence | Albany Pride
Sign the Pledge against LGBTQA+ Domestic Violence
ALBANY PRIDE has taken the pledge with the LGBTQ Domestic Violence Awareness Foundation.

Wednesday, 12th May, 2021

ALBANY PRIDE has taken the pledge.

Domestic, family and intimate partner violence affects LGBTQIA+ people in a profound way – whether it takes place at the hands of our families, strangers or own partners.

Intimate partner violence and control is not just a heterosexual issue, yet – despite it being at least as prevalent as it is in heterosexual relationships (and perhaps more), it is a subject that is not talked about nearly enough, leading to it being labelled by many as a “silent epidemic”.

The lives and relationships of LGBTQIA+ people matter just as much as our non-LGBTQIA+ peers. LGBTQIA+ people and relationships need to be remembered when we talk about domestic, family and intimate partner violence and control. It isn’t that we deserve recognition, it is that we NEED it.

At its very core, this is an LGBTQIA+ rights issue. By remaining silent about it, we are neglecting the lives, safety and wellbeing of some of the most vulnerable members of our community. We had to fight for our relationships and families to be legally recognised, and we are still fighting that same fight when it comes to domestic, family and intimate partner violence and control.

Albany Pride also recognises that there are many other communities and demographics that are often neglected or forgotten about when it comes to the subject of domestic, family and intimate partner violence and control.

LGBTQ Domestic Violence Awareness Day falls on May 28th, annually, and Albany Pride will be participating: we encourage our fellow Pride and community organisations, followers and allies to do the same.

You can also taken the pledge at

More information and support can be found at
