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Albany Electors Meeting | Albany Pride
Albany Electors Meeting
Thank you for supporting Albany Pride.

Thank you for attending our peaceful presence at the Albany Electors Meeting.

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Support Services
Become a Member
Fair Go Fighting Fund

Support Services

Firstly, we understand that the recent upswell in anti-LGBTIQA+ sentiment, and the Electors Meeting itself, may be particularly tough for LGBTIQA+ people, as well as their friends, families, and allies. If you are struggling, we strongly suggest the following services:

1800 184 527

13 11 14

More support services and organisations can be found here.


Become a Member

$30 (General) / $10 (Concession) / (Corporate Memberships available)

By becoming a member of Albany Pride, you can help support and drive our organisation to provide a more accepting and inclusive place for our LGBTIQA+ community, to help fund our support and social networking groups, and to help us achieve our mission and charitable objectives.

Click here to find out more about membership, or if you’d like to become a member, join now.

Fair Go Fighting Fund

WA is gearing up for its state election in 2025, and it looks as though the LGBTIQA+ community will once again be used as political pawns.

The Fair Go Fighting Fund will help the Albany Pride Advocacy Group, which aims to campaign against the political candidates that do not have the best interests of the Queer community at heart.

The Fair Go Fighting Fund and Advocacy Group does not exist to ensure one particularly representative or party gets elected, but only to campaign against candidates that will cause harm and damage to the LGBTIQA+ community, and to ensure that political parties make clear their policies around the LGBTIQA+ community, so that our community – and our allies – can make informed choices.

Donation Details:

Direct Deposit
BSB: 633-000
Account #: 162884159

Or you can donate online through Square.

Please get in touch with Albany Pride if you’d like to volunteer.